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'Color Text' > Clear in selection

Posted: 11.02.2023 13:58
by Stefan
This does not work for me. All formatted text that I applied stays intact.
The output panel shows this:

Code: Select all

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "D:\Toolbox\CudaText\py\cuda_color_text\", line 383, in clear_sel
  File "D:\Toolbox\CudaText\py\cuda_color_text\", line 262, in clear_in_selection
    msg_status(_('Deleted %d attrib(s)') % cnt)
TypeError: 'list' object is not callable
ERROR: Exception in CudaText for clear_sel: TypeError: 'list' object is not callable

Posted: 11.02.2023 15:02
by main Alexey
thanks for report about Color Text plugin. i confirm the bug. will see it.

Posted: 11.02.2023 15:07
by main Alexey
fixed. update plugin from dlg "Plugins / Addon manager / Update".

Posted: 11.02.2023 23:43
by Stefan
Whoa, this was the quickest response and fix I have ever experienced. :o Ever.
Thanks a million, Alexey. It works perfectly now.