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Fill Block

Posted: 21.02.2023 23:08
by qwerky
Another editor has a function called Fill Block. When a block is selected, and the Fill Block function is called, then entering some text causes the entire block to be filled with that text. Does CudaText have something similar?

Posted: 22.02.2023 08:47
by main Alexey
Not yet, but you can write a python plugin (we may merge it to CudaExt)

Posted: 22.02.2023 08:49
by main Alexey
Oh, CudaExt already has it (limitation: works only for single line selection). in command palette:
"Fill selection by string".

Posted: 22.02.2023 17:50
by qwerky
Just what I was look for... works with column selection, too! Thanks to author.