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Posted: 27.02.2023 07:49
by Stefan
Yet another great plugin. Especially the code-tree popup. Super-convenient. I use it more than breadcrumbs itself. Which explains my request:
Please add 2 more config-options:

Code: Select all

Would that be possible?

Posted: 27.02.2023 08:04
by main Alexey
sorry, but author @halfbrained is passive now (he is in the UA country, so anything is possible).

Posted: 27.02.2023 08:21
by Stefan
Sad to hear. Hoping the best for halfbrained and keeping my fingers crossed for him.

Posted: 27.02.2023 10:41
by main Alexey
code_tree_width= . do you mean the 'popup dialog width' or some thing specific to code-tree? I turned code-tree of in my plugin cfg.

Posted: 27.02.2023 12:47
by Stefan
The popup dialog width.
I pop it from my custom context menu. Great way to quickly navigate my doc-structure. But nested sub-headings are hard to read, the narrow width cuts them off.

Posted: 27.02.2023 13:00
by main Alexey
plugin updated. (use 'plugins / addons manager / update')

+ add: options "dialog width" and "dialog height" (by Alexey T.)

Posted: 27.02.2023 13:25
by main Alexey
what is use-case for the 'visible_on_startup=' ?

Posted: 27.02.2023 13:34
by Stefan
My own craziness. Clean, distraction-free interface. I only toggle the breadcrumb bar when I need it, to browse the parent folders.

If you find it unnecessary, leave it out. It's not like I must have everything my way. :oops:

Posted: 27.02.2023 13:42
by Stefan
main Alexey wrote:plugin updated. (use 'plugins / addons manager / update')
Big thank you. I really appreciate it.
Now I am a happy typist. So much better to see my headings without having to hover the tree items

Your speed of support is un-matched. Nothing compares, no other software comes even close.