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Top of Page
Posted: 03.03.2023 23:35
by qwerky
Ctrl+PgUp (Top of Page) and Ctrl+PgDn (Bottom of Page) work correctly, that is, they place the caret on the top/bottom line of the window, respectively; except, when on the first page of a file, Ctrl+PgUp places the caret on the second line of the window/file, and when on the last page of a file, Ctrl+PgDn places the caret on the second-to-last line of the window/file.
Posted: 04.03.2023 07:08
by main Alexey
can you give a tip: official names of these 2 commands?
Found! "go to screen top", ".... bottom".
posted as bug-report in the Github 'issues'
Posted: 04.03.2023 13:13
by main Alexey
I made the fix, here it works now.
Posted: 04.03.2023 22:12
by qwerky
Thanks! Sorry for incorrect command names.
Posted: 05.03.2023 09:40
by main Alexey
Posted: 06.03.2023 20:39
by qwerky
Corrected, thanks!