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Latest add-ons updates

Posted: 08.09.2023 02:13
by SamC
Hello, in CudaText/readme/history.txt , we can see the change log of Cudatext.
Is there a similar file or link for the change log of addons? I used to see some page about the addons change log, but I can't find it now.
On, we can see a brief Latest add-ons updates, is there a more detailed one?

Re: Latest add-ons updates

Posted: 08.09.2023 06:23
by main Alexey
yes, more detailed changelog exists! in the readme/readme.txt files inside the plugin.
Plugins / Addons Manager / Open plugin's history

Re: Latest add-ons updates

Posted: 08.09.2023 06:41
by SamC
Sometimes, new plugin will be published and add to the addon package. How could we konw What's new in the new package? Or how to know what useful plugin are published recently? Is there a web page for this?

Re: Latest add-ons updates

Posted: 08.09.2023 06:42
by main Alexey
This info is here:
'Latest add-ons updates'

Re: Latest add-ons updates

Posted: 08.09.2023 06:48
by SamC