Cannot use Project Manager, SystemError on start
Posted: 20.10.2023 20:41
I am using Cudatext on Pop OS 22.04 LTS, installed with Flatpak. I am seeing the following issues which seem to be related:
My Plugins menu is working. Cudatext is able to find Python. However I cannot use the Project Manager. Is anyone else having these issues with the Flatpak version, can I hear how you fixed these issues?
- When I click the Project icon in the Sidebar, the Project panel shows up blank, regardless of whether I have any files open in Cudatext
- When I use the Command Palette (Ctrl + Shift + P) and select Project Manager: New Project, Open Folder, and select a folder, nothing happens. Project panel continues to be blank
Code: Select all
TypeError: 'str' object cannot be interpreted as an integer
The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/me/.var/app/io.github.cudatext.CudaText-Qt5/config/cudatext/py/cuda_project_man/", line 972, in menu_recents
File "/home/me/.var/app/io.github.cudatext.CudaText-Qt5/config/cudatext/py/cuda_project_man/", line 301, in init_panel
File "/home/me/.var/app/io.github.cudatext.CudaText-Qt5/config/cudatext/py/cuda_project_man/", line 246, in init_form_main
self.toolbar_imglist = toolbar_proc(self.h_bar, TOOLBAR_GET_IMAGELIST)
File "/home/me/.var/app/io.github.cudatext.CudaText-Qt5/config/cudatext/py/", line 1161, in toolbar_proc
return ct.toolbar_proc(str(id_toolbar), id_action, text, text2, str(command), index, index2)
SystemError: <built-in function toolbar_proc> returned a result with an exception set
ERROR: Exception in CudaText for menu_recents: SystemError: <built-in function toolbar_proc> returned a result with an exception set