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dlg_custom default val bug

Posted: 04.03.2024 09:42
by SamC
I find if the ex0 is -1000,and the default val=1,in dialog,it will show 0 in the box.
c1.join(['type=spinedit', 'val=1', 'ex0=-1000', 'ex1=1000000', 'ex2=1', 'pos=200,24,294,0'])]
I find it in the cuda_number_utils, but it seems due to the dlg_custom method.
Snipaste_2024-03-04_17-38-04.png (11.06 KiB) Viewed 6820 times

Re: dlg_custom default val bug

Posted: 04.03.2024 12:13
by main Alexey
I fixed it: in Cud + in Number_Utils plugin.
in plugin, we must set 'val' _after_ setting 'ex0' / 'ex1'.

update plugin now (from addons-manager) and try.