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Minor Undo Bug?

Posted: 30.08.2024 21:39
by sl23
I think this is a bug, so I'll post here.

Basically, when I make edits to a file, very often the Undo button icon in the toolbar doesn't change to show that the action is undoable. Clicking it also will not undo an action. I have found that clicking the tab will then update the undo status and the icon changes and is then active, allowing undo actions to take place.

It's not a major issue, just a little annoying really. So if there's other more important stuff to fix, maybe leave this for now? ;)

Re: Minor Undo Bug?

Posted: 31.08.2024 06:31
by main Alexey
Undo-btn is updating (enabled/disabled) after an idle state (no keyboard/mouse input) and a small pause.
option "ui_timer_idle": 1000 sets the pause of idle timer.
it this the case?

Re: Minor Undo Bug?

Posted: 31.08.2024 07:14
by main Alexey
ok, I made updating of undo/redo btns much faster.
beta win64 ... t-10505641

Re: Minor Undo Bug?

Posted: 31.08.2024 12:06
by sl23
Thanks for the update, but I am not too sure that is the problem here...
Sometimes it never updates, which is the issue I'm having. But it seems random when this happens. It has been going on for quite some time.
Next time it happens I'll take a screenshot to show that the tab has been edited yet no undo shows.

Re: Minor Undo Bug?

Posted: 31.08.2024 13:02
by main Alexey
if this happens I have a way to fix it for sure. never disable undo/redo buttons. it is poorer UI but it's safe.

Re: Minor Undo Bug?

Posted: 31.08.2024 17:46
by main Alexey
fixed: now undo/redo btns won't be disabled on toolbar (for the editor. for the viewer - they will be disabled).
will be in next beta.

Re: Minor Undo Bug?

Posted: 31.08.2024 21:50
by sl23
Thanks Alexey! Very much appreciated.