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Font Picker Menu Pane Exceeds Screen Size Linux Qt6

Posted: 02.01.2025 22:20
by Random Void User
CudaText, linux-x86_64-qt6, fpc 3.2.3

Hit the Options Editor button, apply Font filter, then select field font_name. Try the font drop-down menu at bottom. It shows a list of all fonts in a single pane. With many fonts installed, the pane exceeds the screen size. There is no way to scroll through the list to pick a font. One can use "blind" keyboard navigation but it is guesswork because offscreen parts of the pane are not visible. Thanks!

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Re: Font Picker Menu Pane Exceeds Screen Size Linux Qt6

Posted: 03.01.2025 06:47
by main Alexey
don't you think it is issue of Qt6 widget (combobox)? i think so. widget must limit the items count according to screen size! try to discuss this issue at Qt6 forum...