plugin "edits navigation".
I cannot publush it. pls correct/fix some things.
-i don't see where is plugin menu item in "plugins" menu
-if its name is not "edits navigation" pls fix it
- we need the file readme.txt in readme/ dir.
you can write all info here. forum.
i will make file readme.
-what license?
plugin "Edits Navigation" by Shovel
Fixed menu item.
License is MIT I suppose.
Is this sufficiently helpful for a readme
License is MIT I suppose.
Is this sufficiently helpful for a readme

Code: Select all
Plugin for CudaText.
Adds a command to cycle through edited lines.
To set hotkeys for commands, use F9 functionality in Command palette (Ctrl+Shift+P).
Commands in "Plugins / Edits Navigation" menu:
- "Go To Previous Edit"
Cycle caret through previously edited lines
@halfbrained (at GitHub)
License: MIT
- Posts: 17
- Joined: 27.12.2020 08:31