Spanish characters in English keyboard (Linux)

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Spanish characters in English keyboard (Linux)

Post by Hobbes »


Although I'm from Spain, I work with English keyboards (international) both in my job and personal computer. To enter Spanish accents or particular characters (like "ñ") I use Alt (rigth)+' or Alt (rigth)+n.

That works perfectly in Cuda when I use it in Windows 10, but in Linux, all works fine in Cuda except the combination Alt (rigth)+n (no ñ or other charapter as output). The strange thing is that it works in other Linux programs (Libre Office, file explorer, browsers, etc.). If I copy/paste the text from other software no problem with the character.

My keyboard distribution:
Captura de pantalla de 2022-07-24 12-14-24.png
Thanks in advance for any suggestion/idea.
main Alexey
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Joined: 25.08.2021 18:15

Post by main Alexey »

1- Is it GTK2 or Qt5 version?
2- do you see the same issue in Double Commander (built with lazarus)?
I will post the complain to the Lazarus forum.
Posts: 43
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Post by Hobbes »

It is GTK2 version.
I don't see the same issue en Double Commander (tested with search command).
main Alexey
Posts: 2335
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Post by main Alexey »

I forgot to say how to test in DblCmd: it has SynEdit control in internal editor only! so open its internal editor by UNchecking option "Editor / Use external program", then open any text file, and test in editor.
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Post by Hobbes »

Tested. You are right, exactly the same issue than in Cuda.
main Alexey
Posts: 2335
Joined: 25.08.2021 18:15

Post by main Alexey »

Okay, this is a GTK2 Lazarus issue. i can create the report at ... s/-/issues
but report from you is better - guys may ask something about your local setup.
Posts: 43
Joined: 17.05.2022 07:53

Post by Hobbes »

Ok, no problem, I will report the issue.

Thanks Alexey.
Posts: 43
Joined: 17.05.2022 07:53

Post by Hobbes »

Hi again,

At the end it wasn't a Lazarus issue (at least not a serious one, it can be solved through keyboard settings). If you assign a key to type the alternative characters (keyboard settings) it works without problem in Cuda and Double Commander.
Don't known if it's a Lazarus issue, a Linux (Debian) problem, or a bad configuration.

To avoid any inconvenience (or bothering people with minor issues that can be easily solved) I've closed the issue in gitlab.
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