plugin Markdown Special Paste

Plugins for SynWrite and CudaText...
main Alexey
Posts: 2323
Joined: 25.08.2021 18:15

Post by main Alexey »

updated the plugin, see new info in readme.txt:
how to temporary skip plugin work? call the Paste command with any hotkey containing
'Shift+' (or call menu item Paste while holding Shift).
eg with Shift+Insert - standard second hotkey for Paste. or with Ctrl+Shift+V,
but first you need to assign Ctrl+Shift+V to "Paste" (in the Command Palette dialog).
Posts: 51
Joined: 17.08.2022 13:42

Post by lookoutside »

Thank you very much.
maybe idea for this: that plugin detects Ctrl or Alt or Shift pressed and skips its work when one of keys is pressed?
Yes, that's what I mean!
main Alexey
Posts: 2323
Joined: 25.08.2021 18:15

Post by main Alexey »

it was implemented - my reply on the top of this forum page [2].
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