Please read this first!

All questions regarding lexer highlighting schemes are discussed here...
Posts: 10
Joined: 05.10.2012 22:07

Please read this first!

Post by Matthias »

Welcome to the SynWrite discussion forums!

You find a bug or have ideas how to improve this editor? Then let us know your thoughts. SynWrites growed over the last years by realizing many user wishes, so take part of this project and help to make it even better ;)

Some information about using this forum:
  • Anonymous posting is allowed for quick bug reports with limited board features. If you want to get email notifications upon message replies, you should register.
  • Look into "user control panel" and set board language and date format for matching your time zone etc.
  • You want to stay always up-to-date without missing any new posts? In every subforum there is an option at the bottom of the screen called "Subscribe forum"
  • Don't want to receive notification emails for replys to your messages? This option is set to ON by default and can be disabled for each post.
    If you want to disable it by default, change option "Notify me upon replies by default" in User control Panel.
You will always find latest beta and official release at programs homepage: Download here!
Posts: 112
Joined: 06.10.2012 15:06

Re: Welcome to new forum.

Post by Stefan »

Congrats on this improved forum. It was definitely worth moving over here - the interface is much more inviting and offers all the amenities of the 21st century :D
This is the degree of comfort a lazy poster like me has grown accustomed to.

Matthias, looks like you're co-hosting this site - feel free to ask me for favors related to language matters (I am fluent in German, too). I'll be delighted to help out if the need arises.

I like the way SynWrite has evolved over the past few weeks. This forum format contributes to the professional appearance. Seems like this project has taken off to a whole new level. Glad to be part of it.
Posts: 10
Joined: 05.10.2012 22:07

Post by Matthias »

Welcome aboard Stefan!

It was about time for making this step. A professional editor needs a professional platform for users. Fortunately SourceForge offers free webspace with preinstalled mySQL + PHP support, it was not hard to bring this phpBB-based discussion board into life. I'm still involved in some configurations and looking into increasing board security and making automate backups. But overall this forum should be stable and all given features should be run as expected. So let's use it now :D

If you have suggestions to improve language matters: feel free to contribute and correct mispelling if you see any errors. as said before: a professional editor needs a professional appearance ;)

Btw: all other suggestions are welcome as well!