My tricks:
1. [Win] More then 10 years i use in all win apps only one-key-shortcuts Ctrl/` to copy/paste instead two-keys-shortcuts Ctrl+C/Ctrl+Ins/Ctrl+V/Shift+Ins.
To do that i install AutoHotkey and add to autostarted my.ahk
Code: Select all
Ctrl:: Send, ^{vk43} ; Ctrl = Ctrl-C = Copy.
`:: Send, +{Ins} ; ` = Shift+Ins = Paste
- Copy word or [expression] or 'expression' without selection (with Alt+Left in my keymap)
- Replace word or [expression] or 'expression' with clip (with Alt+Right in my keymap)
They allow to skip many keypressing when i want to copy/paste simple data.
3. [Cud/Syn] Finding and Replacing without dialog
- Find clipboard string: next/prev (with Alt+PgDn/Alt+PgUp in my keymap)
- Replace all occurrences of selected string, with clipboard string (with Shift+Ctrl+A in my keymap)
4. [Cud/Syn] Repeat last command(s).
- repeat last text command (with F1 in my keymap)
- run last command plugin (with F2 in my keymap)
- find, next (with F3 in my keymap)
Often i start a search, do something with found fragment by one command and then press
F3, F1, F3, F1, ... (if the command from core)
F3, F2, F3, F2, ... (if the command from plugin)