Show special chars like NUL STX

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Joined: 14.12.2015 14:43

Show special chars like NUL STX

Post by dcipher »

If would be nice if Synwriter could display non-printable characters. For example NotePad++ will show NUL, STX, ETX etc. for ascii values below 32. This certainly makes viewing files containing these values easier. I use Notepad++ specifically for this feature when reading logs files of data transmissions for certain types of equipment that starts the transmission with an STX and end it with an ETX and often the CRC value is a character below ascii 32 and it is nice to see what this is.

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Joined: 05.10.2012 22:10

Post by Alexey »

I will not add it to SynWrite. It is almost frozen, use CudaText. CudaText has it:
it shows chars as x01 x02 .... (ansi mode) / x0001 xF0F0 (unicode mode) - with gray color.
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